working up to capacity
DEAR ABBY: I'm a student who maintains a decent GPA. However, my parents believe they have a genius in the making.
Since I started at a new school, my mother has been pressuring me more than twice as much. She no longer talks to me except to pester me about that B or C in algebra or any other class. I understand that she wants me to be smart, and I know I should be trying to live up to her expectations of a flawless, straight-A student, but I don't believe I can. Please help me. -- UNDER PRESSURE
DEAR UNDER PRESSURE: It might help if you would talk with your teachers about this, and ask if THEY think you are DEAR ABBY: I'm a student who maintains a decent GPA. However, my parents believe they have a genius in the making.
Since I started at a new school, my mother has been pressuring me more than twice as much. She no longer talks to me except to pester me about that B or C in algebra or any other class. I understand that she wants me to be smart, and I know I should be trying to live up to her expectations of a flawless, straight-A student, but I don't believe I can. Please help me. -- UNDER PRESSURE
DEAR UNDER PRESSURE: It might help if you would talk with your teachers about this, and ask if THEY think you are working up to capacity.
DEAR ABBY: I'm a student who maintains a decent GPA. However, my parents believe they have a genius in the making.
Since I started at a new school, my mother has been pressuring me more than twice as much. She no longer talks to me except to pester me about that B or C in algebra or any other class. I understand that she wants me to be smart, and I know I should be trying to live up to her expectations of a flawless, straight-A student, but I don't believe I can. Please help me. -- UNDER PRESSURE
DEAR UNDER PRESSURE: It might help if you would talk with your teachers about this, and ask if THEY think you are DEAR ABBY: I'm a student who maintains a decent GPA. However, my parents believe they have a genius in the making.
Since I started at a new school, my mother has been pressuring me more than twice as much. She no longer talks to me except to pester me about that B or C in algebra or any other class. I understand that she wants me to be smart, and I know I should be trying to live up to her expectations of a flawless, straight-A student, but I don't believe I can. Please help me. -- UNDER PRESSURE
DEAR UNDER PRESSURE: It might help if you would talk with your teachers about this, and ask if THEY think you are working up to capacity.
working up to capacityはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いしますはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
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