- ベストアンサー
- 社員からの要望について、ミーティングルームの利用に関して認められるかどうかについて相談です。
- 社内のランチミーティングや勉強会時の会議室利用を求める声がありますが、これを許可するルールを作ればよいか検討中です。
- 具体的には、ランチタイム中でも社内でのミーティングや勉強会を行いたいという要望があります。掃除や片付けに時間を取ることで許可することも検討しています。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
ALTHOUGH we decided TO PROHIBIT the usE OF THE meeting rooms during lunch time due to smell of food etc., some employees request that they BE ALLOWED to use THE ROOMS for internal lunch meetingS or VOLUNTARY study SESSIONS (SUCH AS an English conversation lunch OR A LUNCH TIME BOOK READING SESSION.) We assume THE REQUEST could be approved if we SET a rule like leavING the room 10 min. before 1pm, MAKING SURE THE table, chairS and THE floor ARE CLEAN. Could you kindly advise ? ↓ Although we decided to prohibit the use of the meeting rooms during lunch time due to smell of food etc., some employees request that they be allowed to use the rooms for internal lunch meetings or voluntary study sessions (such as an English conversation lunch or a lunch time book reading session.) We assume the request could be approved if we set a rule like leaving the room 10 min. before 1pm, making sure the table, chairs and the floor are clean. Could you kindly advise ?
その他の回答 (1)
- DeeAnna
- ベストアンサー率32% (176/546)
意味は伝わりました。ちょっとおかしいと思った所は、 ネイティブの勘で添削させて頂きます。理由聞かれても解らないのでご了承下さい。 As we have decided that using meeting rooms would be prohibited during the lunch time due to smell of food, Some of the employees request that they would like to use it for internal lunch meetings, study meetings by the volunteers,(like an English conversation lunch ) or for book club and etc. We assume that it could be approved if we make a rule such as leave the room 10 min before 1pm with clean table, chair and floor. Could you kindly advise? (like an English conversation lunch ) この文の意味が不明です。 Could you kindly advise? >>> 誰かに意見を聞きたいのでしょうか? 差出人が直接承認できる方の場合、この最後の文は少しおかしいかと思います。 というか、ニュアンス的になんか使わない…。 Could you give us an advice? とか、 Please advice. で良いと思いますよ。
ピンポイントに問題のご指摘ありがとうございます。 また全体的に意味が通じるとのコメントもありがとうございます!