I have just come back and have gone through your mails.
Please note for me other guide is no problem, as i can communicate with you
, so no problem, but i feel for you changing will be difficult as the new
guide you will have to make undersatand everthing again then then evertime
he / she should be available whn you need him, so i think you will have to
decice your comfort.
Regarding Kalimpong, please note its a small town and very busy and nice
place, i know few people but only do business with them, i am not sure how
helpfull will they be to you or not ???? i like going to Kalimpong but its
more for Holiday , whenever i go there, its a lovely place to be in, there
are nice Hotels there and much warmer than Darjeeling ( It will take 3 hrs
to reach there from Darjeeling )