• 締切済み


メールありがとうございます。 貴方の写真を見ました。 写真をみる度に貴方は大人になりとても素敵な男性になっていますね。 写真の中の貴方はとても楽しそうにしていて 私はとても嬉しいです。 貴方と初めて会った時に ラァメンを食べにいったことは私も覚えています。 とても楽しかったです。 貴方と再度連絡が取れるようになったことは とても嬉しいです。 私は今年貴方にもう一度会う為に最善を尽くします。 英語の勉強をしてヨーロッパに行きたいと思っています。 その時に貴方がもし大丈夫なら 私ともう一度会ってほしいです。 最近私は仕事をしながら、学校にいったりダンスを習ったりしているよ。 貴方の毎日が幸せで笑顔でありますように。


  • roxzen
  • ベストアンサー率46% (29/62)

Thank you for the mail. I'm glad to hear from you. (メールありがとう。あなたからメールをもらえて嬉しいです) I saw the picture(s). You look great! You must have had a good time when it was(they were) taken. I’m happy to see you grown-up. (写真が複数枚あれば、複数形にしてください) Yes, I also remember that we had ramen noodles when we first met. We had a good time, right? (Yes,は相手の質問があっての答えだと思いましたので、入れましたが、無くてもOKです。楽しかったよね、でしょ?と付加疑問にしてみました) I’m so happy to contact you again. I’d like to visit Europe sometime this year. So, I’ll do my best to make it happen. Let’s meet up for coffee or lunch then. (英語を勉強するくだりは省きました。ヨーロッパに行くときになったら、コーヒーかランチでもしましょう!とカジュアルにしてみました。) I’m going to a school after work and also learning dance. (何の学校か特定すると分かりやすいかもしれませんね。) Wish you well.

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

Thank you for your e-mail. I have seen your photograph. Every time I see your photograph, I see that you are growing up to become a charming man. I am very glad to see that you seem to be enjoying life in the photo. I also remember going to a noodle shop to eat ramen the time we first met. It was very pleasant. I am very glad that we can communicate again. I will do my best to be able to meet you once again this year. I would like to study English and visit Europe. If it is OK with you, then I would like you to meet me once again. These days, I am going to schools as well as learning to dance, while working. Wishing you all the best and hope that you are putting a smile on your face everyday.


Thank you for your e-mail. Your photograph was seen. Whenever it sees a photograph, you grow up, and have you become a very great man. I am very glad for you in a photograph to make it very pleasant. When you meet you for the first time Having said for eating ramen noodles also remembers me. It was very pleasant. It is very glad that you can be again contacted now. I will do my best, in order to meet you once again this year. I would like to study English and to go to Europe. If you are then OK, I want you to meet me once again. Working, he says school or I have been learning the dance recently. May be your every day is fortunate and a smiling face!
