(7) A wax cone on your head wasn't the only "must have" party accessory. Men and women showed up at banquets with their cosmetic chests, keeping them nearby to touch up their makeup. The chests, themselves were works of art with inlaid jewels and painted scenes. Inside, the Egyptians kept a mirror called a "see-face" made from polished copper―or if you were really rich, silver. Wealthy women carried their see-face in a mirror bag over their shoulders. You might pack your cosmetic chest with bronze tweezers to pluck your eyebrows and hairpins made of ivory. You would definitely include a flat stone palette to crush black and green rocks into powder for eyeliner. Everyone wore heavy eyeliner. Men and women were already wearing eye makeup by the time the pyramids were built. As a popular New Kingdom love poem says, "I wish to paint my eyes, so if I see you my eyes will sparkle." So much for the natural look. Chemists from modern cosmetic companies have found that ancient Egyptians used the same proportion of fat as they do today to give their eye makeup that luxurious creamy texture.
(8) What would our ancient fashion magazine say about hair? It would probably advise us to get rid of it. Men and women either shaved their heads or kept their hair cropped very short. In a climate where fleas and head lice thrived,this was practical hair-care practice. Archaeologists found a wig workshop at Deir el-Bahri along with several wigs. Like clothing, the quality of the wig depended on your station in life. The best wigs were shoulder length, made from as many as 120,000 human hairs woven into a mesh cap and fixed in place with beeswax. Some were ironed straight, others curled into ringlets, and for the really wealthy, braided with beads and jewels. If you weren't able to afford a good wig, yours might be made from palm fronds.