It should insult our values to think that a healthy adult could come upon
a baby drowning face down
in an inch of water and walk right by when a mere push would save the baby's life.
It should insult our values (不定詞副詞的用法:to think (形容詞句:that ”a healthy adult” could come upon
a baby drowning face down
in an inch of water and walk right by when a mere push would save the baby's life.))
Explanations range from fear that getting involved will be too time-consuming or
cause personal injury to the Good samaritan,
to doubts as to what to do in a crisis.
[意味上主語:Explanations range (副詞節:from fear that getting involved)]
述部並列1:will be too time-consuming or
述部並列2:(will)cause personal injury (不定詞to the Good samaritan,
述部並列3:to doubts as to what to do in a crisis.
range自 及んでいる
> It should insult our values to think that a healthy adult could come upon a baby drowning face down in an inch of water and walk right by when a mere push would save the baby's life.
→ It should insult our values to think that / a healthy adult could come upon a baby drowning face down in an inch of water and walk right by / when a mere push would save the baby's life.
「健康な大人が、赤ん坊が顔を下にして水に溺れているところに出くわして、ほんのちょっと手を差し伸べればその生命を助けることができるのに、(知らぬ顔で) 通りすぎてしまうとしたら、それは我々の価値観を損ねる行為であると言わねばならない」
> Explanations range from fear that getting involved will be too time-consuming or cause personal injury to the Good Samaritan, to doubts as to what to do in a crisis.
range A to B の構文が入ってます。すなわち、
→ Explanations range from [(A) fear that getting involved will be too time-consuming or cause personal injury to the Good Samaritan,] to [(B) doubts as to what to do in a crisis].
A: 巻き添えを食うことは時間を食い過ぎる、あるいは良きサマリア人に対する個人的な損傷を引き起こす、という恐怖
B: 危機に際してなすべきことに対する疑い
* プロフィールを拝見すると15歳位の方でしょうか。中学3年生? その年令で、こんなヒネクレた英文を読まなきゃならないのですか? 同情に耐えません。
基本的な修飾関係などは理解しているつもりなのですが こうもいろいろな場所にかかっていたり、イディオムが含まれていたりすると、うまくいかなくなるんですよね。。。。 おかげでわかりました、ありがとうございました。