- ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:このitは指示代名詞でしょうか)
- Some leading thinkers are saying that the threat of war has never been as strong as it is now.
- Is the 'it' in 'as it is now' a pronoun referring to 'the threat of war'?
- In other words, is the original sentence 'Some leading thinkers are saying that at no stage in history has the threat of war been as strong as the threat of war is now'?
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
it = the threat of war で正しいです。 歴史上,今ほど戦争の脅威が強い時期はこれまでなかった。 been は余計ですね。 あと,比較構文では2つめの strong は自動的に消えます。 あくまでも説明上としては at no stage in history has the threat of war been as strong as the threat of war is strong now ということになります。 this, that と異なり,it は指示代名詞とは言いません。 he, she とならんで三人称の人称代名詞です。