文法が正しいか見てください。m(_ _)m
<The consumption tax>
Japanese consumption tax is 5%. Sweden is a country where a consumption tax is the 2nd highest country in the world, and 5 times of Japan. Iceland is a country where a consumption tax is the highest. It is 25.5%.
There are three kinds of consumption taxes of Sweden. The highest tax rates of them are 25%. A publication and public traffic are 6% and food is the tax rates of 12%. But, Japan has not divided the consumption tax like Sweden.
The tax rates of Sweden are higher than Japan, so social welfare is substantial than Japan.
<History of the tax>
Third, I’m going to talk about history of the tax.
Japan was started the consumption tax in 1989. At first, it was 3%. Later, it changed 5% in 1997. Then, it is still 5%. But, it will go up in the future.
Sweden was started the consumption tax in 1960. The consumption tax of Sweden changed 10 times in 30 years, and became 25% from 4.2%.
Therefore, the consumption tax of Japan did not large change. But, the consumption tax of Sweden changed a lot.
丁寧なご説明、ありがとうございました! 助かりました^^