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The Quality in Smith Which His Friends Considered his Finest
- In the text, the quality in Smith that his friends considered his finest is the quality of human sympathy. It is structured as SVOC, with 'his friends considered his finest' as the subject, 'the quality in Smith' as the verb, and 'the quality of human sympathy' as the object and complement.
- The structure of the sentence 'his friends considered his finest the quality in Smith' may seem unclear. In this sentence, 'his finest' is the object and 'the quality in Smith' is the complement. It means that his friends considered the quality in Smith, specifically the quality of human sympathy, as his finest attribute.
- The phrase 'his finest' refers to the best quality or attribute that Smith possesses, and in this case, it is the quality of human sympathy. So, 'his finest' is not followed by a noun because it is already describing the best attribute, which is the quality in Smith.
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その他の回答 (1)
- go_urn
- ベストアンサー率57% (938/1643)
ありがとうございます。 OとCを取り違えていました。 そう思えば、his finestも納得できました。 ありがとうございます。