The $73 Million Spent: Did it Really Change Public Attitudes on Allowing Gay Couples to Wed?
The $73 million spent for and against the measure did not do much to change public attitudes on allowing gay couples to wed.
The results of the survey suggest that the $73 million spent on the measure did not have a significant impact on changing public opinion regarding same-sex marriage.
According to survey director Mark Baldassare, the $73 million spent on the measure did not result in a significant shift in public attitudes towards allowing gay couples to marry.
The results mirror previous PPIC polls from the last three years,suggesting that the $73 million spent for and against the measure did not do much to change public attitudes on allowing gay couples to wed,said survey director Mark Baldassare
質問1:the $73 million spent for and against the measure did not do much to change public attitudes on allowing gay couples to wed の英文について、
「did not do much to change」について、「変化するのにそれほど役にたたなかった」という意味だと思います。※1
※1 do much to doは「・・するのに大いに役に立つ」という意味らしいです。
参考URL:このサイトで、「do much 」で検索すれば出てきます。)
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