- ベストアンサー
今年はソ連崩壊20周年でもある。1991年夏の守旧派の共産党幹部によるクーデター失敗後に求心力を失ったゴルバチョフ氏は、同年12月25日に大統領を辞任、69年続いたソ連は消滅した。 「私はペレストロイカのある時期に自信過剰になった。自ら過ちを認めることは難しい。私は傲慢になりそのことで罰せられた。」ゴルバチョフ氏は最近の英インディペンデント紙とのインタビューで権力を追われた背景をこう自己分析した。 かなりの難問です。 英語が得意な方がいましたらお答え願います。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
<訳例> This year is also the 20th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Mr. Gorbachev, who lost centripetal force after the failure of the coup d'etat by the old-guard crony of the communist leaders in summer in 1991, resigned the presidency on December 25 of the same year, and the Soviet Union which had lasted for 69 years perished. "I became overconfident in a certain period in the perestroika. It is difficult to admit mistakes by oneself. I became arrogant, and I was punished for it." In a recent interview with the Independent of Britain, Mr. Gorbachev himself analyzed why he had been displaced from power.
その他の回答 (1)
- purunu
- ベストアンサー率42% (518/1214)
This year marks the 20th anniversaly of the end of the Soviet Regime. Gorbachov lost the centripetal force, after the failed coup d'etat by the conservative communist leaders in 1991 summer, and resigned his chair as the state president in the 25th of December the same year; this lead to the annihilation of the Soviet Republic. He analyzed himself on the background of his expelled power, in the last time interview by the British paper "Independent", as follows: "I became too confident on me in a time of Perestroika (Reconstruction). It is too hard to know one's own failure. I became arrogant, and was punished by it."
ちなみにお仕事は・・・? 英語関係ですか? たとえば塾の先生だとか・・・