- ベストアンサー
インドの方からのメールですが訳が知りたいのです。 最後のkeep writing とはどのような意味があるのでしょうか? Dearest friend Thanks to your wishes, we watched aurora during the last day. Expressions, goodness of heart and good friendship is never constraint by any language. The day we met, I wished I knew more Japanese because both Pragya (the gal) and myself wanted to talk to you so much more. So we are really sorry as well that we don't know Japanese. Actually, in my heart, I really feel so inspired to you all guys that you have stick to your own culture and language. I wish we Indians loved our own language as much as you do. Photograph came out really well. Thanks for sending it. We have couple of Japanese friends and from them we know we really love Japanese people. Culture wise they are so close to Indians. Japanese preserved ashes of our great leader Subash Chandra Bose in their Japanese temple for so many decades. Japanese help this leader build his army to free India. So we always feel thankful to Japan. Some of our best movies have famous songs shot in Japan with Japanese words. 'Sayonara' word became so famous in India. When in 50-60's Japan had to give away their leader to British was a war hero, whole India had cried over that incident. My parents still remember that incident and keep telling me about that. Japan Suzuki brought in the car revolution for India and still is a market leader. So we are very well connected with Japan. I can understand how much shocking it might have been for you to go back to Japan. Japan has suffered so much in last 50 years. They are such a peaceful nature but still have suffered so much. It is very unfortunate. I am sure Japan will revive. I can tell you whole of India's wishes are with you guys. You all have so much energy, patience and strong will. I am glad that your near dear ones and house is safe. Please say my wishes to your family. Keep writing.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
回答ありがとうございます。 イエローナイフに行った時、思い切って話しかけてみたのですが、私は流暢に英語が話せないので上手く会話ができませんでしたが、そのインドの方は技術者でニューヨークに住みMBAを取ろうとしていると言っていました。 凄いエリートなのに私の下手くそな英語を聞いてくれる姿を見てインドの方は優しい人なんだと感じました。 インドの方は私の英語を理解しようとしてくれました。その際にメールアドレスを交換しました。 そして、もう二つ質問があります。 Pragya (the gal) という文はプラガヤさんは女の子という意味でしょうか?インドの方は男性と女性でした。最初にメールした時、Mr.pragyaと書いてしまったので・・・ チャンドラボースのことや戦争のこと初めて知りました。インドは大変親日なのですね。 日本は過去50年間とても苦労したとは第二次大戦で負けて苦労したと言うことでしょうか? keep writingの意味を初めて知りました。なにかあったらたまにメールして見ようと思います。