For some people, shorter hair could look attractive.
But I do honestly prefer more longer hair (^-^)
The hair of this man, called Chris Waddle, is indeed unique :3
Too bad that he shaved his mullet in the 1990 World Cup. ww
Also, no no, I'm not a beautician (^^)
I'm just a "mullet specialist" lol
I do know some of the hairstyles more just of curiousity, to be honest.
Yeah, I think I should really have more self-confidence about them.
Thank you!
Yeah, it's a kinda of an old problem here in Sao Paulo.
No, I don't have the luck on climbing on the top of my roof, since the overflow doesn't come here ww :3
Well, we could try to learn someday on the overflows in a try & error style ww
Funnily enough, after I saw your message, it started to rain heavily www
I had to shutdown everything for a good while, there were a huge number of thunders today (>_<)
Wow, I never know that either japanese monkeys do take a bath together with men in winter.
Now I'm pretty impressed wwww
Who knows what it could be, it could be this UFO:
Interesting, and the plum blossoms looks beautiful!
Indeed, they look very similar.
But how plum blossoms are called in Japan?
So far I know, cherry blossoms are called there "sakura".