タロウ : もしもし。おれだけど。
ユウタ : おー。何?
タロウ : 今何してるの?。
ユウタ : 別に何も。
タロウ : じゃあ今からメシ食べ行かない?
ユウタ : いいよ。家に居るから迎えに来てくれない?
タロウ : わかった。10分ぐらいで着くから待ってて。
ユウタ : 頼むよ。
-On the phone-
Taro : Hi. This is me.
Yuta : Yeah, What?
Taro : What are you doing now?
Yuta : I'm not doing anything.
Taro : Now why don't you go out for have a meal with me.
Yuta : OK. I'm in my home, so would you pick me up?
Taro : Got it. Wait for about 10 minutes until I arrive.
Yuta : Please.
Hey. its me.
hey-- what !?
whts up !?!?!
if u have a time lets go to eat something!!
ok! uh,, im in my house right now, so can u come to pick me up !?!?
sure !! I will be there in 10 minutes.
thx ^^