(2) The number of big supermarket chains is falling.
3段落の末尾部分(the resulting appearance of a small number of extremely powerful multi-national companies)に照らして私はTだと思いますが、駿台、河合、代ゼミ、東進、CD-Rom Examの解答例のすべてがFとしています。皆さんのご意見をお聞かせください。
(3段落)Of course, supermarkets have their critics. A frequent argument is that they drive out the independent family-run shops that provide a focus for local communities. Supermarkets are anonymous spaces, but in small shops both staff and customers tend to talk to each other. Reference is also made to the excessive use of packaging and to the increase in the use of cars for shopping, which worsens traffic congestion and air pollution. Less visible to the consumer are the effect on producers of the fierce competition between supermarkets, and the resulting appearance of a small number of extremely powerful multi-national companies.
(4段落)When the figures are actually laid out, the facts are striking. For example, in 2004 the top ten supermarkets, led by Wal-Mart (US) and Carrefour (France), had a 24 percent share of the global food market, as opposed to 18 percent in 2000. In the UK, four supermarkets are responsible for 75 percent of food sales, with Tesco in first place at 29 percent followed by Asda, which was purchased by Wal-Mart in 1999. All the large supermarkets are global businesses. For example, both Wal-Mart and Tesco have subsidiaries in Japan, Seiyu and C Two Network respectively.
だいぶ日が経ってしまったので半分諦めていたのですが、まさしく完璧な回答をしてくださりありがとうございます。 私は慶応は志望大学ではないのですが、大学は知識を増やす場であって、回答者様のほうがよほど精通していると思います。簡潔で無駄がなくそれでいて質問の要点を全て満たしながら専門的に回答していただけたのは、私など足元にも及びません。よほどの知識人とお見受けします。感動しました。