You weren't the subject of any "blog experiment." I don't know what you
mean by that. I assumed you being 43 that you could infer about my life
that way, but I'm okay with you saying goodbye because I will only hold
interest in those who accept me for who I am and my life. In other words,
I'm okay saying bye to people who don't accept me for who I am. I
understand that you feel more comfortable emailing here as opposed to just
using LINE, but I don't really know what you are expecting out of life. I
mean, if you'd rather date some boring, older Japanese guy, I won't stop
you from doing that. I enjoy our time together. I don't want you to say
bye. But once again I understand if you don't want to accept me for who I
解答ありがとうごさいますo(^-^)o tellだと何かを情報を伝えるというニュアンスが強くなるからsayですよね?