Then there is the sixth period, which Duvall refers to as the launching period, as the young adults emerge to
become independent in society . Typically, this period involves some degree of support from home-perhaps providing
a home for a child who is away at college during term-time, or providing help with furnishings or a regular
Sunday lunch for a young adult who is independent and working. This period lasts from the time when the first
child leaves , to when the last child leaves home.
The seventh of Duvall's stages is the empty-nest period, when all the children have left and the parents are together
at home . This can be quite a difficult adjustment for some couples , particularly if the children have been the
exclusive focus of attention for most of their time together. Some couples , though ,find it a pleasant relief ,
because it means they can simply enjoy one another's company again. They often begin a number of co-operative
activities that they weren't doing before , such as redecorating, or travelling.
The final period in the family life cycle , described by Duvall, is the retirement period , in which the members
of the partnership who were working are now retired . This , too , can be aperiod of re-adjustment , particularly
if one of the couple has been accustomed to having the house to themselves for most of the day.
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