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AfDB and UBA Sign Landmark USD 150 million Loan to Facilitate African Trade Finance
- A landmark loan agreement of USD 150 million was signed between the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA). This agreement represents the largest commitment to a financial institution in Africa, highlighting the UBA's capacity to support enterprises across the continent.
- The loan agreement between AfDB and UBA is significant in the context of global credit constraints. Against this backdrop, the agreement serves as recognition of UBA's ability to provide financial support to both public and private enterprises in Africa.
- This agreement signifies the commitment of AfDB and UBA to facilitate trade finance in Africa. The loan amount of USD 150 million reflects the importance of supporting economic development in the continent through financial initiatives.
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下記の言葉が同じ意味であることを理解すれば文章全体の言わんとしていることが分かりやすい。 a financial institution = a bank = United Bank for Africa Plc = UBA 訳に大した違いはないが、ニュアンスはわかっるのでは? 「この世界的に与信の制限が厳しい時代に、(アフリカ)大陸の中で1つの銀行(金融機関)対して最大の(融資の)確約を意味し、この取引は、UBAのアフリカでの公私的企業支援の能力の高さを認識するものである。」
お礼が遅くなりすみません。 どうもありがとうございます。 助かりました。