英語 長文
Japan has a very formal, hierarchical culture.
When speaking to a Japanese associate, use their surname or job title followed by 'san.'
If speaking to a much more senior colleague, use Mr. or Ms. with their surname.
Never use first names unless invited to do so.
The Japanese traditionally greet each other with a bow, though you are more likely to be greeted with
a simple nod followed by a light handshake.
If someone does bow to you, respond by bowing to the same level, (A) eyes lowered.
Business cards, the key to establishing credentials, should be written in both English and Japanese.
Present your card with both hands (B) the Japanese side of the card facing up.
Similarly, receive a card with both hands and take a few moments to read it.
A first meeting tends to be very formal.
(C be/careful/display/not/to) negative emotions or be too abrupt, or you might cause loss of face.
Try to be very polite to older associates.
They will usually be the most senior in rank.
In Japanese business culture, the group indentity is essential and all decisions are made within the group.
Do you single anyone out, either for praise or criticism.
Expect every aspect of your proposal to be reviewed in minute detail; the Japanese gather as much information as possible to avoid problems that might occur later on.
Once outside the structured office environment, the Japanese are much more informal.
Business entertaining might take place at a golf course, karaoke bar or a private room at a restaurant.
If uncertain of the intricate dining etiquette, simply follow the lead of your Japanese colleagues and remain humble, polite and modest.
・My father (he really/is/looks/older/than), but he's still in his forties.
→is looks older than he really
・Henry is taller (at/his age/his father/than/was).
→than his father was at his age
・We get (do/from experience/more education/than/we) from school work.
→more education from experience than we do
アドバイスありがとうございます。参考になりました。 もう一点、 "likely will be later to emerge than some other aspects of the economy"は、どの様に訳すべきなのでしょうか? ここでのemergeは、現れるor(不況から)抜け出す、どちらの意味なのでしょうか?また、aspects of the economyもどんな訳が適しているのか、良くわかりません。経済状況ということなのでしょうか? 上手く、意味が繋がらず困ってます。 アドバイスお願いします。