Dear Annie: I am a healthy, strong teenager who goes to a great school. I have a roof over my head and food on the table, but there is one problem: I'm transgender, and my parents refuse to accept me. I came out to them about three years ago as gay, before I fully understood what was going on in my head. They told me how strongly they felt it was wrong and that they would not accept me. A year later, when I realized that what I was feeling was a desire to just be one of the guys, I knew I couldn't tell them.
I started going by a new name at school, presenting myself as a male there and trying my best to hide it from them, but as all things do at this time in your life, it found its way to my parents. They confronted me about it and told me how upset they were, and ever since, they have been making sure I know that at home, I will never be a boy. Sometimes I have dreams in which they finally accept me, and when I wake up and realize I've been dreaming, I start crying. This has worsened the depression I have struggled with for about half my life, and meeting with my therapist isn't helping very much. I don't know what to do. -- Disconcerted in Distress
Dear Disconcerted in Distress: I am so sorry to hear you're struggling with depression. Though your parents might not be able to offer you the understanding and acceptance you seek, there are trusted adults who can. I strongly encourage you to reach out to The Trevor Project, a wonderful organization dedicated to helping LGBTQ youths. Call its hotline (866-488-7386) anytime to speak to a counselor about what you're experiencing. He or she can also connect you to resources in your area. For more information (or to chat with a counselor online, if you prefer instant messaging to a phone call), visit https://www.thetrevorproject.org. As lonely as things might feel right now, I promise that you are not alone.
as all things do at this time in your life, it found its way to my parents. の和訳を教えてください。あと、As lonely as things might feel right now,の意味と訳し方の決まりを教えてください。よろしくお願いします
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