It’s pretty simple: I’ve been lied to a lot, or whatever we’re calling it these days. “Ghosted,” I guess. Told I’d get a call and then not gotten a call. After everything ranging from one-night stands to what seemed like pretty promising or meaningful clumps of dates with real conversations and dudes seeming really into me. I’m not convinced I have what it takes to keep anyone interested for more than a few months before whatever it is that’s gross and wrong with me rears its head and they peace out. I was in one longer relationship; it lasted for two years and ended after months and months of being treated like a roommate at best, nuisance at worst, and I sabotaged it by sleeping with someone else, to feel a tiny bit of someone wanting me (that dude, the guy I cheated with, dumped me pretty quickly, too). So I can’t really look to him as an example of someone who really loved me, because he checked out a little ways in and stayed with me out of habit, and not surprisingly, after I cheated on him he hated my guts (as he’s totally entitled to do).
1 then not gotten a callのところはhaveが省略されていますよね?してもいいものなのでしょうか?
2 I’m not convinced I have what it takes to keep anyone interested for more than a few months before whatever it is that’s gross and wrong with me rears its head and they peace out. の訳をお願いします。
3 checked out a little ways inとはどのような意味でしょうか?
回答ありがとうございます(^^) whoが隠れてたんですね。