日本語にして下さい!! よろしくお願いします…
Thank you so much for what you said ^^
Thank you. I like
being like coffee XDDDDDDDDDDD
No, jokes apart, I am the one who is really lucky in knowing you, as you are
a really genuine person, and it's rare to find someone like you in the
world. I think you are pure and simple, and this is just great ^^
You know... okay, it might sound stupid XD but I will tell you anyway XD I
believe everything has a sense in this world. I mean, everything has an
order (I do believe in God, after all!), or it would be chaos XD I don't
think the fact that we met was simply luck XD or chance! No.
Many things fit together. For example, In that period I started working on
Android... and to contact you, I had to find a way to install and android
App on my pc. Chance? Mh XD nah XD
Okay at this point you probably think I am stupid XD Maybe I am XD sometimes
XD but I like to think we didn't meet by chance! ^-^/
And yes, I have a glance at your letter every day! That's why I put It in
the drawer right next to my bed. Before going to sleep (before or after
reading). I take it, open it, look at the origami... smile XD and thank you
in my head for sending it XDDDDDDDD Yes, I am stupid XDDDDDD DO I sound like
a maniac? I hope not! XD
I am using 'XD' too often, isn't it? XD I also made a cookie with XD written
on the top today XD I sent you an image of it on LINE
ydnaさん、本当に丁寧にありがとうございます。 ★これからのことを言うなら、 I feel like putting my head down on my pillow right now. このことと勘違いしていたんですね、私は。 I feel like I just this minute put my head down on my pillow. 下記の部分、とても勉強になりました。この文章だからこそ、話しての気持ち・考えていること・感じていることが伝わるんですね。 ★元のスレッドでは、just this minute の位置が問題視されていましたが、単なる強調だけでなく、次に来る put が過去形であることを誤解なく一瞬に判らせる位置にあると思います(直説法過去)。have の省略さえ感じます。文尾にあれば、put の時制に少し曖昧さが残ったまま、最後までセリフを聞くことになります。 土日は用事があり、回答を確認させていただくのが遅くなりました。会社のデスクのパソコンからのお礼です。一生懸命読ませていただきました。難しいことは解らなくても、相手の言っている事を感じられる英語力を持てるようになりたい!そして、自分の言いたい事を伝えられる英語を勉強していきたいと思います。