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became accustomed to do は、OK?
google book 検索で、became accustomed to を引くと、became accustomed to doing の形は当然出てきますが、動詞の原形が続く形が結構出てきます。 http://books.google.co.jp/books?q=%22became+accustomed+to%22&btnG=%E6%9B%B8%E7%B1%8D%E3%81%AE%E6%A4%9C%E7%B4%A2 より引用: そのうちの最初の100件に含まれているものを次に引用します。 1.Thus she became accustomed to unite solitary meditation with penetrating emotion, and sometimes to place them in opposition to each other. 2.so that, as it gradually became accustomed to breathe the salutary air of liberty, these souls, enervated or rather brutalized under tyranny 3.Notably in Massachusetts, as we have seen, the people became accustomed to make known their will by an indirect form of Initiative in the shape of ... 4.They also became accustomed to do without a number of conveniences such as could not be expected on a campaign. 5.From the moment when the Crown became " accustomed to resort to the ' inquest/a restraint was im- " posed upon every part of the prerogative. 6.... and when the people became accustomed to resort thither as to the supreme temple of justice, the parliament of Paris rose to high estimation in the ... 7.Free speech, untrammeled by party considerations, or political rewards, reached into the very marrow of things, and men became accustomed to handle ... 8.it came to pass, that men became accustomed to look upon the Church of Rome as the Cathedra Petri, and to transfer what was usually said of St. Peter, ... 9.He became accustomed to look upon the rectory as a source of income for himself, and he acquired a definite interest therein. 100件の内、9件、つまり、およそ1割も、became accustomed to doの形が出てきていて、しかも、その中には、9番のように、Oxford Studies in Social and Legal History. Volume 1 著者: Paul Vinogradoffという評価の高いはずの出版物も含まれます。 普通、became accustomed to do の形は認められていないはずですが、なぜ、こんなに、to do の形がでてくるのでしょうか? 本当は、to do の形も意味あいによってはあるのか、それとも、becomeがあるために、to do の形が容認されるのか、どうなっているのでしょうか?
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ありがとうございます。 リンクを読ませていただきました。とても面白いことですね。 「~するのに慣れる」と言う表現は、 1.今行われていること、つまり、doingで表されることに親しんでいく、と言う面と、 2.今後、そう言うことをやって行くという、今後の行為を表すto do と言う面と、 両面があると言う感覚なのでしょうか?