Aww, you shouldn't give up on what you want. I know I haven't that's why I'm working hard to meet my goal. ha ha, really? That'd be awesome if we were to both be a lawyer, most of my friends don't like the idea, say it's to complicated adn too much to learn. Well, good luck if you decided to go to law school :). Few lawyers die well? ah, what is that about, like what exactly do you mean by that? Ha, ha prosecutor is actually one of the options I was considering above the rest. Hm, that actually sounds enticing. Though I'd have to make sure i can speak Japanese very well before I can consider that. Good. I'm sure you'll do well. Like I said english is very easy once you get the hang of it. Though, I think theone thing that gets a lot of people is spelling, ha ha, lots of people who speak english can't write it whatsoever, I find it amusing, I can write it better, and have excellent spelling, but that's because I spend more time writing than I do talking. Anyways, I wish you the best of luck with leaning english and whatever you do after it. :)
To be honest, I also wanted to be a lawyer, but I gave up. I assumed I wasn’t able to be one for a while. I’m influenced by you and I want to be one again now. Though I must learn English first, I feel like studying about law by going to postgraduate law faculty ( law school ) after if I can. However, Few lawyers die well, few physicians live well. It concerns me, ha ha. But I guess It’s OK. I’ll do my best by rousing me from now on. You consider you’ll choose from counselor-at-law, Judge, and prosecutor? well, I take it for granted that you’ll do so. You can also work as lawyer in Japan in the future if you learn Japanese. I’ll also do my best to learn English while I believe it’s easy language :) Good luck and bless you!
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