ちょっと変わった(?) "would have 過去分詞"
次の第3文の2箇所の ”would have 過去分詞” は、文脈から判断して、学校文法で習う意味的に過去(あるいは現在完了)方向を表す仮定法過去完了とは異なっているように私には感じます。
What if I had lost ? What if I relapsed and the cancer came back ? I still believe I would have gained something in the struggle, because in what time I had left, I would have been a more complete, compassionate and intelligent man, and therefore more alive. The one thing the illness convinced me beyond all doubt is that we’re much better than we know. We have unrealized capacities that sometimes only emerge in a crisis. So if there is a purpose to the suffering that is cancer, I think it must be this: it’s meant to improve us.
回答ありがとうございます。 仮定法なんですね。理解でました!