During the 2nd world war, a team of British and American scientists created a group of super-soldiers they called Ultras. Each had special abilities far beyond those of normal humans, they were an unstoppable force on the battlefield. However, their creation took so long that by the time of their first forays into the European and Pacific theatres the tide of the war had already turned and victory for the allied forces was already inevitable. Perhaps the Ultras hasten the end of the war, but if they do it's by weeks, not months. By the end of the war there are perhaps 40 active Ultras, and dozens more still in training.
After the war, Britain and the US continue to produce Ultras, but as time goes on the process becomes less and less effective. For some reason the British created Ultras don't suffer this reduction in power as badly as the US Ultras, but they are still never able to re-create the success of the early experiments. The newer Ultras tend to have more subtle powers and less brute force.
This isn't as much of a disadvantage as it might at first seem. As the world enters the cold war though, the need for battlefield super-soldiers is replaced by a need for covert super-spies. Both US and British Ultras see active service in the intelligence community. During the 80s, many US Ultras are used in the war on drugs. Others become government sponsored law enforcers, but it's a well accepted fact that these folks do more good as publicity pieces than as actual crime-fighters. Others are incorporated into search and rescue organisations or similar. Some still exist in the military, in special ops strike teams and the like.