For thousands of years, the population of the world increased gradually.
Then, in the mid-nineteenth century, the world's population started to increase rapidly. In the 100 years between 1830 and 1930, the population of the world grew from 1 billion to 2 billion people. By 1960, just thirty years later, the world's population had hit 3 billion. Fifteen years later, the population reached 4 billion. Then, just eleven years later, there were 5 billion people on Earth. In 1999, we passed the 6 billion mark. Today, the world's population grows by 76 million people every year. By the year 2050, researchers predict that the population of the world will be 9.1 billion.
回答どうもありがとうございます。 くだらない質問ですみません。 >この million を基準に考えて、一つ上(million から数えて2つ目)>の単位が billion、二つ上(同じく3つ目)の単位が trillion、三つ>上(同じく4つ目)が quadrillion という訳です。 ここら辺がよく分かりませんで・・・。 お蔭様で大変よく分かるようになりました。 こんなに詳しい説明がいただけるとは思いませんでした。 また少し賢くなったような気がします。 どうもありがとうございました。