- ベストアンサー
10th Anniversary -Tony and Kate- #2
会話文を書きました。 より自然な表現をご指導ください。 ~ A Year Later ~ Amy: It really blew my mind! Lucy: Oh, Amy, what's up? Good news? Amy: Well, I would say... It's a big surprise. And I bet you wanna hear it. Lucy: Oh, what is it? You tell me. Amy: Okay, Lucy, your lips are sealed, right? Lucy: Sure. Amy: All right, you heard about Tony? Lucy: Yeah, all I've heard about him for now is he's gonna get a big promotion very soon. That's all I know. Amy: Look, he already turned it down. Lucy: ... I can't believe that... Are you sure? Amy: Yeah. Lucy: How can you be so sure? Amy: You know his secretary, Janet? She is my best friend as well. And a few minutes ago, I bumped into her in the hallway... Lucy: And she told you about him, right? Amy: Exactly. Lucy: I see. Then, what did she say? Amy: She told me he is gonna take a long leave from next month and go on a trip around with his wife as a token of their 10th Anniversary. Lucy: You mean, he's gonna be a full-time husband for a while, right? Amy: Absolutely. Lucy: Gee, how romantic! I feel their "love". I'm touched to hear it! ...But I'm afraid they are gonna allow him to do it... Amy: Looks like the CEO is still deciding. But if not, he would set up his own company, I suppose. Lucy: Yeah, you got him right. He sure is sharp, smart, and capable businessman. Well, Amy, I'm wondering when I can meet my Mr. Right... Amy: Don't worry, Lucy. Hey, how about coming to a party tonight? Let's have fun together! お時間ありましたら、お願いいたします。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
その他の回答 (1)
- akijake
- ベストアンサー率43% (431/992)
Hello, G san!! How was your day today? >クロッカスが紫色の花が庭を「独り占めにして」咲いています。 Now, I can picture that there are a lot of flowers in your garden.〈g〉 >こんな時にはTell me.が一番一般的なんじゃないかな。 きのう見ていた映画の中に、 A: Sometimes he even talks about you. B: Really? And what does he say? You can tell me. こんなくだりがありました。 短い言葉って難しいです。(私にとっては) >if notをもう少し具体的にしないと、notがdecideにかかってくるような感じになってしまい、意味が通らなくなります。 はい、よくわかりました。 >最後のLet's have fun together.のフィーリングは「独り者同士」と言うフィーリングですか? Lucy: Well, Amy, I'm wondering when I can meet my Mr. Right... I have no luck with guys. I know you and Mike are perfect together...Now look... Amy: Don't worry, Lucy. Hey, how about coming to a party tonight? It's just a bunch of close friends getting together. Oh, one more thing, Lucy, you want me to ask Ned to pick you up? If you... Lucy: Wow! Great! I better hurry up and get dressed! See you later, Amy! 最後はこんなふうにしてましたが、字数制限にひっかかったので、 はしょって短くなりました。〈g〉 夏休みの宿題の読書感想文400字詰3枚… どうやってこれだけのマスを埋めようかと悩んでいたのに、今ここではどうやって短くまとめるか、と常に考えこんでいます。〈g〉 不思議ですね。〈g〉 It's getting warmer day by day here in Japan. But actually, we got some snow a few days ago! Can you believe that? Though Spring is just around the corner...〈g〉 G san, thank you so much for finding my questions here (two questions today!) and answering them. I know it took a lot of time for you to do that. From now, I will be reading again and again the new expresions you taught me today. Thanks again and please don't forget to take care of yourself!