Several years ago, interviewing candidates for a job, I grew tired of asking, “What experience do you have?” So I decided on a one-question quiz to find out how clever the candidate might be. Here it is:
You are on a yacht over the deepest point in the sea, the Mariana Trench, where you drop an iron ball over the side. How long will it take for the iron ball to reach the bottom of the ocean?
Before reading on, please try to solve this yourself ― paying special attention to how you might solve it.
Did you make a completely wild guess because “there wasn’t enough information”? Did you get lost in the details while trying to come up with “exactly the right answer”? Or did you focus on the two most important problems ― how deep the Mariana Trench is and how fast an iron ball might fall through the water ― then make a guess?
この最後の文で、might fallとありますが、ここのmightは、仮定法過去のmightだと解釈してよいでしょうか。
つまり、最後の部分は、(if you dropped an iron ball into the sea), how fast an iron ball might fall through the water - then make a guess?というふうに、( )の中のif節が省略されていると私は思います。もちろん、( )の中は、本文には書かれていません。そのような解釈で正しいでしょうか。