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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英字新聞の記事内での時制)
Bush picks ex-N.Y. top cop to head homeland security
- President George W. Bush will name Bernard Kerik, a career law-enforcement officer who was New York City’s police commissioner during the Sept. 11 attacks, as secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Kerik, 49, who spent 41/2 months in Iraq last year to rebuild a police force, would take over a department created less than two years ago to keep Americans safe from terrorist attacks. He would replace Tom Ridge, the first head of the department, who announced his resignation Tuesday.
- The article in an English newspaper on December 4th featured the headline 'Bush picks ex-N.Y. top cop to head homeland security.' According to senior administration officials, President George W. Bush will appoint Bernard Kerik as the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Bernard Kerik, who served as New York City’s police commissioner during the September 11 attacks, is a career law-enforcement officer. He is 49 years old and spent 4 and a half months in Iraq last year rebuilding the police force. This department was established less than two years ago to protect Americans from terrorist attacks. Tom Ridge, the current head of the department, announced his resignation on Tuesday.
- On December 4th, a newspaper article titled 'Bush picks ex-N.Y. top cop to head homeland security' reported that President George W. Bush will appoint Bernard Kerik as the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Bernard Kerik, who was New York City’s police commissioner during the September 11 attacks, has a career in law enforcement. At the age of 49, he spent 4 and a half months in Iraq last year to help rebuild the police force. The Department of Homeland Security was established less than two years ago with the aim of safeguarding Americans from terrorist attacks. Tom Ridge, the current head of the department, announced his resignation on Tuesday.
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