One answer is to look for alternatives to pills, taking the patients seriously. According to the Mental Health Foundation, only 42% of people visiting their doctor for depression were offered counselling, though twice that proportion would have been willing to tryit; more than half of doctors think a talking cure works best for moderate depression, yet more than three-quarters prescribe antidepressants instead.
They don't have the resources. It takes just a couple of minutes to write out a prescription, and the patient leaves the surgery satisfied. It would take
much longer to engage in a real exploration of what is causing the patient's symptoms and to discuss ways of dealing with the root of the problem.
That shouldn't stop us trying. In a thoroughly sensible and useful intervention, the new Liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg, is now calling for the health
service to guarantee that nobody waits longer than 13 weeks for their first treatment when they report mental illness, with much more money for psychological
therapies. this, say Clegg, would help grapple with our“prozac nation”atatus. He is absolutely right, and other studies on wellbeing show it. I would be
very surprised if the government's new cabinet committee on well-being, chaired by Ed Miliband, doesn't grapple with the same failure.
Yet even this is about hou to deal with the symptoms of social stress, not the cause. The wellbeing agenda is about higher employment rates, better
education, less social exclusion, more support for carers and getting people off benefits. It is also about time━giving people time to see their families,
to have a social life and to take part in order activities than just work.
なるほど,承知致しました。 まさに適訳を頂戴致しました。 感謝申しあげます。