- ベストアンサー
こちらの文章を日本語に訳すとどういう意味ですか? Which sentence describes something that is always true? Which sentence describes a temporary situation? Which sentence uses the present simple? Which sentence uses the present continuous? Which two sentences refer to this exact moment? Which two sentences refer to the general present, but not to this moment?
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
1。Which sentence describes something that is always true? 常に真実であることを述べる文はどれか? 2。Which sentence describes a temporary situation? どの文が維持的な状態を述べているか? 3 Which sentence uses the present simple? どの文が単純現在を使っているか? 4。Which sentence uses the present continuous? どの文が継続的現在を使っているか?(日本でいう現在進行形のことでしょう) 5。Which two sentences refer to this exact moment? どの二文がちょうど今の一瞬を指しているか? 6。Which two sentences refer to the general present, but not to this moment? どの二文が一般的な現在は指しているが、今の一瞬を指していないか?
その他の回答 (1)
要約すれば これらの2つの文章はどちらが正確ですかと尋ねています *何か元の文章が2つあるようですが?