スピーキングのテストで、外国人の先生に“What's new?”に対する答えを言わなくてはいけません。一応以下のように考えたのですが、添削お願いします。
Recently, I am very busy.
Last week, I had a test of music theory on Wednesday, and on Friday, I had to submit two reports.
And on the weekend I studied for this Speaking test, wrote three reports, practiced the piano, and I practice a handstand, because I have a test of it tomorrow. But, I can’t do it, so I’m very depressed, and I can’t understand why headstand is necessary to become nursery school’s teacher.
And on the weekend I practiced my original dance a lot. (創作ダンスの練習をした。)This dance is for “Physical Expression class”, and I will have this test tomorrow.(このダンスは“身体表現”の授業のためのもので、明日試験(発表?)がある。)
The dance’s music is ~ which is the music of Disneyland’s attraction ~.
I like this song very much, but I have no experience of dance and I’m such a shy girl that I’m so nervous.
However, I want to pass that class and became nursery school’s teacher, so I’ll try to do my best.
And on the weekend, I cleaned my room, went shopping in the supermarket, and cooked lunch and dinner rather more and kept them freezer, because I’m busy this week too.
Thus I’m very busy now, but I think I live life to the full.
ご回答ありがとうございます。 前回はすでに回答締め切りになっているにもかかわらず、添削していただきありがとうございます。 そちらも参考にさせていただきます。 以前もご指摘いただいたようにproductよりもgoodの方が適切なのですね。 shopping streetと簡単にいうこともできるんですね。 streetの方が馴染みがあるので使いやすいです。 添削ありがとうございます。 参考にさせていただきます。