• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:添削希望です。#1)

My Junior High School Memory: Sports Day Practice

  • This picture is a scene of our class practicing for the best performance award at the sports day in my junior high school. However, I unfortunately got injured during the practice.
  • In my junior high school, we had a sports day every May. My class was determined to win the best performance award and we practiced diligently every day. This picture captures one of our practice sessions. Unfortunately, I sustained an injury during the practice.
  • Here is a snapshot of our class preparing for the sports day in my junior high school. We were striving to win the best performance award, and this picture shows the dedication and effort we put into our daily practice sessions. Regrettably, I got injured during one of those practices.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

以下のとおりお答えします。お書きの英文・説明・添削文の順に羅列します。 >This is my junior high school memory. 「思い出」が中心ですのでmemoryを前に出し、「中学時代」の「時代」は、daysとしましょうか。 →This is a memory of my junior high school days. >My junior high school has sports day (athletic meeting) on May every year. 日本の「体育祭」に当たるものは、sports day〈英〉、field day〈米〉と言うようです。(なお、「競技会」に相当するものが、athletic meetです)。 →My junior high school has a sports day/ a field day (an athletic meet) on May every year. >My class was aiming the best performance award and practiced every day. 「私のクラスの応援団」はThe cheering group of my classとし、「ベストパフォーマンス賞を狙って」はaiming at the Best Performance Awardとするのがいいと思います。 →The cheering group of my class practiced every day aiming at the Best Performance Award. >This picture is practice scene. 「練習しているときの様子・練習風景」は、practicing sceneの方がいいでしょう。 →This picture is practicing scene. >However, I was injured in practicing. 「(練習している)最中に」と言うなら、while (I was practicing)とする方がいいかも知れません。 →However, I got injured while I was practicing.



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