Temperature and light treatments
Plants with six expanded leaves were moved to growth modules in walk-in chambers. Three environmentally controlled chambers were maintained at 14 ± 2°C (LT), 20 ± 2°C (MT), and 26 ± 2°C (HT), respectively. Each chamber was divided into two sections that generated 8 h (short day, SD, 08:00-16:00) and 16 h (long day, LD, 08:00-24:00) photoperiods using fluorescent lamps (FL; FL20SEX-D, Kumho Electric Inc., Seoul, Korea) and incandescent lamps (INC; IL220V30W-L, Kumho Electric Inc., Seoul, Korea). Three modules in each section provided three photosynthetic photon fluxes [PPF, 100 ± 5 (LL), 200 ± 10 (ML), and 400 ± 20 (HL) μmol・m-2・s-1] at canopy height. The FL:INC ratio in PPFD at the plant canopy was about 8:2; therefore, plants were exposed to four levels of daily light integral [DLI, DLI (mol・m-2・d-1) = PPF (μmol・m-2・s-1) × photoperiod (h・d-1) × 60 (min・h-1) × 60 (s・min-1) × 10-6], about 3 (LL ×SD),6(LL×LDandML×SD),12(ML×LDandHL × SD), and 24 (HL × LD) mol・m-2・d-1. Twenty plants were grown in each module under different light and temperature conditions (total 18 treatments) for 3 weeks.
頭から順々に訳していってそれで意味を把握する事は、いつもやっているのですがそのせいで学生時代に訳が変だといわれてしまい原点になってしまった覚えがあります。 この勉強も私だけが理解していればいいというものでは無いのでできれば文法に従った訳し方で理解したいです。