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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:bedtime accidents)

Bedtime Accidents: A Heartbreaking Reality of Child Abuse

  • A single mother's plea for help: her 4-year-old son is being abused by her ex-husband and his wife. After every visit, the boy comes home bruised, scratched, and traumatized. He has even been diagnosed with PTSD. Teachers, pediatricians, and therapists have reported the abuse to Child Protective Services, but no investigation has been conducted. This raises the question: why are these reports being ignored?
  • The boy's nightmares are so severe that he has bedtime accidents. His mother has exhausted all resources, including going to court, to protect him, but to no avail. She is now desperate and considering going on the run. She pleads for anyone who can help.
  • The heartbreaking reality of child abuse is highlighted in the case of a 4-year-old boy who is being abused by his father and stepmother. Despite numerous reports from professionals, Child Protective Services has failed to take action. The boy's traumatic experiences have resulted in severe nightmares and bedtime accidents. His mother is left with no solution in sight and is desperately seeking assistance.


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

Mymmy Mundo というサイトに Help for Bedtime Accidents と題されたページ (参考URL) があって、そこでは 「おねしょ」 の問題が扱われていました。お示しの文における bedtime accidents もそういう意味で使われているのではないでしょうか。 > My son has such horrible nightmares after coming home from his Dad's house that he has bedtime accidents.  息子は父親の家を訪問した日は、ひどい夢に悩まされて、それでお漏らしをしてしまいます。 add up については、おそらく下記の意味 (この引用は Cambridge Dictionary からです) ではないかと推測しました。  to seem reasonable or likely そういう前提で読んでみると、 > Something isn't adding up.  何か腑に落ちないものがあります。 くらいの文かな、と思いました。



