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Reconnaissances of the Wadi Ghuzzeh: Searching for the Best Places to Cross

  • This article covers the reconnaissances of the Wadi Ghuzzeh, a deep, dry, and formidable obstacle, by the Anzac and Imperial Mounted Divisions and the Commander of the Royal Artillery (CRA).
  • The purpose of these reconnaissances was to find the best places for both infantry and mounted troops to cross the Wadi Ghuzzeh as they advanced towards Gaza.
  • Despite the Ottoman army positions at Gaza being reconnoitred and photographed from the air, personal reconnaissances were still necessary.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>This advance was to cover reconnaissances of the Wadi Ghuzzeh, which would search for the best places to cross this deep, dry, and formidable obstacle, for both infantry and mounted troops as they advanced towards Gaza. ⇒この進軍はワジ・グゼフの斥候調査を掩護するためで、その調査は、彼らがガザに向かって進むのに、この深くて、乾いて、恐るべき障害を横切るために最高の場所を捜すことであった。 >The second column, consisting of Anzac Mounted Division's divisional headquarters, Signal Squadron, Field Artillery, and the 2nd Light Horse Brigade (forming divisional reserve), arrived .75 miles (1.21 km) southwest of Deir el Belah. Here the 2nd Light Horse Brigade and the artillery were ordered to water and bivouac at Deir el Belah. By 10:00, Chauvel's Anzac Mounted Division's headquarters and Chetwode's Desert Column headquarters had been established on Hill 310. ⇒第2の縦隊は、アンザック騎馬師団の師団本部、信号隊、野戦砲兵隊および第2軽騎馬旅団から成っていた。彼らはディエル・エル・ベラフの南西0.75マイル(1.21キロ)地点に到着した。ここに第2軽騎馬旅団と砲兵隊とは、ディエル・エル・ベラフで水補給と露営を命じられた。10時までには、ショーヴェルのアンザック騎馬師団の本部と、チェトウォードの砂漠縦隊本部とが(双方とも)310番ヒルの上に設立された。 >While the Ottoman army positions at Gaza had been reconnoitred and photographed from the air, it was still necessary for the staff of the Anzac and Imperial Mounted Divisions, along with the Commander of the Royal Artillery (CRA), to carry out personal reconnaissances of the Wadi Ghuzzeh. ⇒ガザのオスマントルコ軍陣地を航空斥候調査して写真を撮る間、それでも、アンザック騎馬師団と帝国騎馬師団の要員が、王立砲兵隊(CRA)の司令官と一緒に、ワジ・グゼフを個人的に調査を行うことが必要であった。



