After training the bees in the arena, we tested them three times to see if they had learned anything during training.
(a) Test 1 (the control)
In the first test the bees were given the same pattern we had trained them with.
After training, we moved the colours of the panels clockwise once, so that the colours of the quadrants would be different for the bees, and they could not just go to the same place as last time to get a reward (see figure 1a for a hand drawing of the test).
If the bees had solved the puzzle, they should land on the flowers in the middle of each quadrant and stick their tongues (proboscis) in the flower, as during training this is how they would have had a reward (during the test, they did not get a reward).
Figure 1b shows where four of the bees went during the test (unfortunately, one of the bees (called ‘yellow’) did not come out of the hive during this test).
Each dot in figure 1b is an attempted forage.
The figure shows that the bees went to the middle flowers 126 times, and to the outside flowers in the four quadrants a total of 13 times (see ‘total’ in figure 1c).
So, out of 139 attempted forages, 90.6 per cent were to correct flowers (correct means flowers that would have had sugar water during training).
(a) テスト1(比較例)
訓練の後,4分の1区分(象限)の色がハチ達にとって異なるようにするために,私達は1回時計回りにパネルの色を移動させた. そして,ハチ達が最後に褒美を得た正確に同じところに行くことができなかった.(参照 図1a hand drawing of the test)
ハチ達がパズルを解けたなら,ハチ達は,各1分の1円の花の中心に着地するだろう.そして,花に舌(吻)をつきさす. as during ~
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