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German Troops Attack British Troops from Behind

  • German troops emerged and attacked the British troops from behind.
  • At the same time, German counter-attacks from further east began, pushing the British back to their starting line.
  • The attack by a brigade of the 7th Division began at 5:00 a.m., with a standing barrage and a creeping barrage in thick fog.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>German troops emerged and attacked the British troops from behind, at the same time that German counter-attacks from further east began, which pushed the British back to their start line. ⇒ドイツ軍隊は、英国軍の背後から現われて背後から攻撃し、同時に、ドイツ軍の反撃がずっと東から始まって、英国軍を出発点の戦線まで押し戻した。 >A bombardment had been fired on the whole Fifth Army front for two days, particularly in the neighbourhood of Serre, intended to mislead the Germans. The attack by a brigade of the 7th Division began at 5:00 a.m., when the leading companies lined up on tapes, 200–300 yards (180–270 m) from Munich Trench. ⇒2日間にわたる爆撃が、特にセーレの近傍で第5方面軍全体に浴びせられたのは、ドイツ人軍を誤解させることが目的だった。第7師団所属の1個旅団による攻撃は、主導する数個中隊が「ミュンヘン塹壕」から200–300ヤード(180–270m)の長さに列をなして並んだ午前5時に始まった。 >At 6:37 a.m. three divisional artilleries began a standing barrage on the trench and a creeping barrage started in no man's land in thick fog. Movement was so difficult that the barrage moved at 100 yards (91 m) in ten minutes. German resistance was slight, except at one post where the garrison held on until 8:00 a.m. ⇒午前6時37分、3個師団の砲兵隊が、塹壕で継続的集中砲火を開始して、うごめく集中砲火が濃霧の中の中間地帯で始まった。集中砲火の動きは難しく、10分で100ヤード(91m)も移動した。午前8時まで駐屯軍が維持し続けた1つの哨戒陣地を除けば、ドイツ軍の抵抗はわずかであった。



