• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を訳して下さい。)

Evacuation and Innovative Warfare

  • A few serious cases were evacuated the following day to begin their journey to Kantara on the Suez Canal.
  • Chetwode praised the mounted rifle and light horse method of attack, noting the cavalry's ability to dismount and fight as infantry.
  • Chauvel, now in command of three mounted divisions, wrote to General Headquarters.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>A few serious cases, who had not been ready to be moved, were evacuated the following day to begin their journey to Kantara on the Suez Canal. In an address to the troops after the battle, Chetwode expressed his appreciation for the mounted rifle and light horse method of attack. ⇒移動の準備ができていなかった数名の重傷患者が、翌日退出してスエズ運河のカンタラへの移動を開始した。チェトウォードは、戦いの後の軍隊への演説において、騎馬ライフル隊および軽騎馬隊の攻撃方法についてその評価を表明した。 >He said that in the history of warfare he had never known cavalry to not only locate and surround the opponent's position, but to dismount and fight as infantry with rifle and bayonet. On 28 September 1917 Chauvel, who by this time had been promoted by Allenby to command three mounted divisions in Desert Mounted Corps, wrote to General Headquarters – ⇒彼は、戦争の歴史において、敵の位置を見つけて包囲するだけでなく、下馬してライフルや銃剣をもつ歩兵連隊として戦う騎兵隊をこれまで知らなかった、と述べた。1917年9月28日に、砂漠の騎馬軍団で3個の騎馬師団の指揮を取るべく昇進することをこの時までにアレンビから告げられていたショーヴェルが、総司令部あてに次のような手紙を書いた。



