> A: The amphibians species whose population declines have been attributed by many scientists to industrial pollutin are not known to be among those species whose populations do not vary greatly as a result of natural variations in the weather.
> B: The variations in amphibian species' population that result from natural variations in the weather are not always as large as the amphibian population declines that scientists have attributed to industrial pollution.
> C: Either industrial pollution or natural variations in the weather,
but not both, caused the amphibian population declines that scientists have attributed to industrial pollution.
私も C. ではないかなぁと思いました。A. の最後の部分で言ってることが変です。「天候における自然変化の結果として数に変動がないのだ」 ということは本文で述べられていません。そうではなくて 「天候の変化があるせいで数が増減するのだ」 とは言ってますけれど。