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Latvian Riflemen: The Advance Guard in the Attack

  • The Latvian Riflemen, wearing white winter camouflage uniforms, were the advance guard in the attack.
  • Their main task was to capture the first German lines and clear the way for the main force.
  • Using the cover of a heavy snowstorm, they successfully cut passages through the German barbed wire barriers.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>Latvian Riflemen were the advance guard in the attack, their main task being to capture the first German lines and clear the way for the main force following on behind them. Wearing white winter camouflage uniform and using the cover of a heavy snowstorm the Latvians cut passages through the German barbed wire barriers. ⇒ラトビアのライフル部隊は攻撃の前衛部にあって、彼らの主要な任務は最初のドイツ戦線を攻略して、彼らの後に続く主力軍団への道を開くことになっていた。白い冬用の偽装服を着て、激しい吹雪を目隠しに利用して、ラトビア軍はドイツ軍の有刺鉄線の通る通路を切り開いた。 >After this was accomplished the main forces of the two Latvian Rifle Brigades stormed forward into the breaches in the wire using the tactic of surprise, without any artillery support to give the German garrison forces advanced warning of the operation. ⇒これを完了したあと、ラトビア・ライフル2個旅団の主力軍団は、まったく砲兵隊の支援なしに、急襲の戦術を駆使して前方の有刺鉄線の突破口になだれ込み、ドイツ駐屯軍団に作戦行動の予告をした。



