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German Positions Overlooking the Plain of Châlons

  • The German positions on the hills overlooked the Plain of Châlons, giving an uninterrupted view of French movements between Reims and the Argonne.
  • A successful French offensive would deprive the Germans of observation and block the route to the Plain of Châlons.
  • French preparations could not be disguised from the German observers on the hills above the Châlons Plain but as similar activity was occurring at many places, from the North Sea to Switzerland, it was not until the arrival of large number of guns had been detected by the Germans, that the possibility of a French offensive became known.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>The German positions on the hills overlooked the Plain of Châlons, giving an uninterrupted view of French movements between Reims and the Argonne. A successful French offensive would deprive the Germans of observation and block the route to the Plain of Châlons. On the right flank, the XII Corps contributed the 24th Division to the attack and the XVII Corps (General J. B. Dumas) west of the Suippes, had three divisions and some additional troops. ⇒丘の上のドイツ軍陣地はシャロン平原を見降ろして、ランスとアルゴンヌの間のフランス軍の動きについて途切れのない展望が得られる状況にあった。フランス軍の攻撃が成功すれば、ドイツ軍から観察能を奪って、シャロン平原のルートを塞げるだろうと見られた。第XII軍団右側面の第24師団がその攻撃に貢献し、シュイップ西に布陣する第XVII軍団(J.B.ドゥマス将軍)は3個師団と追加の数個軍(中)隊を擁していた。 >On the left of the Fourth Army, the VIII Corps (General Hely d'Oissel) had two divisions and one regiment. Relatively few French infantry were to attack but were supported by a huge amount of artillery, which had been discreetly moved into the area and camouflaged. More lines had been added to the railways behind the French front, extensions and a network of light railways had been built in the Moronvilliers sector and roads had been repaired and enlarged for motor vehicles, behind the Fourth Army front. ⇒第4方面軍の左翼に布陣する第VIII軍団(エリー・ドワッセル将軍)は、2個師団と1個連隊を擁していた。比較的少ないフランス軍歩兵連隊が攻撃することになっていたが、慎重に地域に持ち込まれてカモフラージュされた大量の大砲の支援を受けていた。より多くの戦線がフランス前線の背後の鉄道路線に加えられ、軽便鉄道の拡大とネットワークがモロンヴィェール地区に構築されていて、第4方面軍前線の背後で道路が補修され、自動車のために拡張されていた。 >French preparations could not be disguised from the German observers on the hills above the Châlons Plain but as similar activity was occurring at many places, from the North Sea to Switzerland, it was not until the arrival of large number of guns had been detected by the Germans, that the possibility of a French offensive became known. ⇒フランス軍の(戦闘)準備は、シャロン平原上の丘にあるドイツ軍の観察隊から偽装隠蔽することはできなかったが、類似した活動が北海からスイスあたりまで多くの場所で起こっていたので、多数の銃砲が到着するまで、フランス軍の攻撃の可能性をドイツ軍によって検知されることはなかった。



