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Intense Fighting and Retreat: The Battle of Gorizia

  • The Battle of Gorizia was marked by intensive hand-to-hand combat and heavy casualties on both sides.
  • Surrounded, Austro-Hungarian forces were eventually forced to retreat, giving Italian forces control of the heavily damaged town.
  • Italian losses were high due to their frontal assaults on Austrian positions, but their victory solidified their control in the region.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10007/12518)

>Intensive hand-to-hand fighting commenced, with both sides taking massive losses. Surrounded, Austro-Hungarian forces were forced to retreat, on the line east of Gorizia, giving Italian forces control of the heavily damaged town.Both sides had taken massive losses, with an estimated of more than 20,000 soldiers killed or missing. ⇒集中的な接近戦が始まり、両側ともに大損失を蒙った。オーストリア‐ハンガリー軍団は、包囲されて、ゴリツィア東の戦線で退却を余儀なくされ、かなり損害を受けた町の支配権をイタリア軍団に与えてしまった。両側ともに大損失を蒙り、20,000人以上の兵士の死亡または行方不明があったと見積もられた。 >Although victorious, Italian losses were much greater than those of the Austro-Hungarians, with around 5,000 of their soldiers killed. This was largely due to the frontal assaults on Austrian positions, which were superior to that of the Italians. Italian generals were eager to crush Austro-Hungarian forces in the area, with the intent of going as far as Ljubljana. ⇒勝利したにもかかわらず、およそ5,000人の兵士が死亡したイタリア軍の損失は、オーストリア‐ハンガリー軍のそれよりずっと大きかった。これはおもに、オーストリア軍の陣地に対する正面攻撃に起因した。そこはイタリア軍より優勢だったからである。イタリア軍の将軍らは、リュブリャナまでたどり着く意図があったので、その地域のオーストリア‐ハンガリー軍団を押しつぶすことに熱中したのであった。



