- 締切済み
With this information. we can see that the human body maintains a very delicate balance between cell creation and cell destruction, when this balance is disrupted the result can be a potentially fatal health condition, cancer is a disease in which too little apoptosis occurs, as cancerous cells often are corrupted in ways that make them resistant to the natural death process and can continue multiplying until destructive tumors are created. On the other hand, in a body that suffers from too much apoptosis, degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's can arise. With the process of apoptosis playing such a vital role in human health, it is no surprise that researchers are continuously studying it. If we can learn how to artificially control the apoptosis of cells in our bodies, it could lead to treatments for many life-threatening illnesses.
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- bakansky
- ベストアンサー率48% (3506/7251)
> With this information. we can see that the human body maintains a very delicate balance between cell creation and cell destruction, when this balance is disrupted the result can be a potentially fatal health condition, cancer is a disease in which too little apoptosis occurs, as cancerous cells often are corrupted in ways that make them resistant to the natural death process and can continue multiplying until destructive tumors are created. 以上のことから、人間の肉体は、体細胞を作ったり壊したりしながら、その両者の間の微妙なバランスの上に成り立っているのだということが分かりました。そのバランスが崩れることは、健康に対する非常な脅威となり得ます。たとえば癌は、細胞の自然な死滅が阻害される病気です。癌細胞の何が問題であるかというと、細胞が自然に死滅する過程を阻害して 有害な腫瘍を作り続けるのです。 > On the other hand, in a body that suffers from too much apoptosis, degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's can arise. 他方、細胞の死滅があまりにも亢進するとパーキンソン病やアルツハイマー病のような変性性の疾病が生じます。 > With the process of apoptosis playing such a vital role in human health, it is no surprise that researchers are continuously studying it. 細胞の自然死はそのようにヒトの健康にとって重要な役割を担うものであるので、研究者たちが研究を続けているのも不思議ではありません。 > If we can learn how to artificially control the apoptosis of cells in our bodies, it could lead to treatments for many life-threatening illnesses. わたしたちの肉体の細胞の自然死を人工的にコントロールする方法を見つけることができれば、多くの生命を危険にさらす病に対する治療の道が開かれることでしょう。 * 初めの文は長いですが、カンマをピリオドに読み替えて読めば、高校生でも理解できる文のつながりでしかありません。
ありがとうございます! とても助かりました!