※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:take his life into his ha)
Man Takes His Life By Seeking Out Islamic State
A man claims that Goto took his life into his own hands by seeking out Islamic State despite being warned of the dangers.
The man, who had invited Goto to his home in northern Syria, said he warned Goto not to go to areas controlled by Islamic State.
He emphasized that even Muslims are not safe with the group and that a non-Muslim like Goto would likely be killed or captured.
take his life into his ha
The man says Goto took his life into his own hands by seeking out Islamic State.
"take life"は命を奪うことだと思います。するとこれは自殺した、とも読めるのですが、どうでしょうか。
Another Syrian man has said he invited Goto to his home in northern Syria several months ago.
He says on a Facebook page that he asked Goto not to go to areas controlled by Islamic State.
He says he warned him that even Muslims are not safe with the group, and that a non-Muslim would be killed or captured.
The man says Goto took his life into his own hands by seeking out Islamic State.
He says he prays for Goto's safe return.
1。 下記に take one's life in one's hands は、「生命を危険にさらす、命懸けである」と訳してあります。
2。The man says Goto took his life into his own hands by seeking out Islamic State.
3。区切りを、he took his life より、広くとって he man took his life into his own hands までを一区切りにすれば、原意がはっきりすると思います。
take his life / となるのでなく、
take O into his own hands でひとまとまりです。
take O to ~で「O を~へ連れていく、持っていく」という形もありますし、
take O into consideration/account で「O を考慮に入れる」
take matters into one's own hands で「自分の手でことを運ぶ」
ここでは life なので、「命を自らの手にゆだねる」のような表現になっています。
さらに by ~ing がつづき「~することによって」ですので、
この by ~ing は「イスラム国に向かう、ということはすなわち、命を自らの手にゆだねる、
by ~ing はよく使われる表現ですが、文字通り訳すと日本語では意味が感じにくい表現です。
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