Experts warn of stress and loneliness-induced elephant rampages
Experts warn that elephants forced out of their herds can experience stress and loneliness, leading to violent rampages.
A wild male elephant in Thailand's Khao Yai National Park has gone on a rampage, damaging multiple cars and a grocery store.
The incident has raised concerns among park officials, who are warning tourists about possible further attacks.
Experts say an elephant forced out of its herd can experience stress and loneliness that cause it to go on rampages.
Wild elephant attacks car in Thai national park
A wild elephant has gone on a rampage in a national park in Thailand.
Park officials are warning tourists of further possible attacks.
A *male* elephant was caught on camera on Saturday as it climbed onto the hood of a car on a road in Khao Yai National Park, northeast of Bangkok.
It later shattered windows of a nearby grocery store.
Local media say a total of four cars have been damaged in the park this month by elephant attacks.
It's not clear whether the same animal is to blame.
Experts say an elephant forced out of its herd can experience stress and loneliness that cause it to go on rampages.
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