• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語が得意な方!至急下記の文章を英語に翻訳願います)


  • 遠距離恋愛の中で、女性に近づく男性の心情と不安について考えます。
  • イギリスへの移住経験もなく、遠距離恋愛の苦労を知らない若い女性による傲慢な発言について、作者は批判的です。
  • 幼なじみであっても、私たちの問題に口出しするべきではないと主張します。


  • ベストアンサー
  • angkor_h
  • ベストアンサー率35% (551/1557)

Because it's long-distance love and is away from the long thing now, we become sensitive to the female person who approaches you and also feel uneasy. That, every kind of lady, well think. If you wonder about that, I think unfortunately you aren't an immature man yet. She moves to the United Kingdom, and doesn't learn whether half of head is already the British, but I have no right which still is young, is arrogant without experience of long-distance love and says me to the female like EVERINA only of high work of pride critically. Much more I don't like that and am the others who even have no cases they were younger than me and moreover that she met, and that there may be no manners about a body that such way of speaking makes me, her nerve is doubted. There is a proverb to which I say "A conjugal quarrel doesn't also bite a dog." The female like EVERINA is impossible in Japan. How much are even childhood friends others? I don't want you to interfere in our problem. 利用サイト↓ http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/ これでも手紙(口語)としては通じるけれども文法的にはNGなことは、この英長文を和訳してみればわあります。

