• ベストアンサー


either a or b の構文で、 aとbにthat節は入りますか?


  • ベストアンサー

言えなくはない。 ただ、that節が長くなると読みにくくなるので、短いものに限られる。 実例を挙げる。 There are a lot of reasons to conclude either that it's impractical or that we should have very, very humble expectations for what we can accomplish. But to say it would be difficult isn't to say either that it's impossible or that it shouldn't be done. ... it makes no sense to say either that it is or that it is not 1m long. Why? but he who says of that which is incapable of happening either that it is or that it will be will say what is untrue With regards to the gods, I cannot feel sure either that they are or that they are not, nor what they are like in figure Can we know either that God exists or that God does not exist? therefore have no temptation to say either that he's bald or that he's not bald or は等位接続詞、that は従属接続詞、つなぐことは可能。 I think that ...., and that ... というとき、二つ目の that は省略できない、とは基本中の基本。 逆に言えば、and that は何の問題もないと言うこと。 or that も同じ。


その他の回答 (1)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

入りません。 というより either 自体が that 同様、接続詞であるので、 これを重複して用いるという矛盾は存在しない と考えるのが妥当でしょう。

