1Defining what it means to be an American has been a matter of discussion among Americans from the country's earliest days. Many of these efforts at looking inward, however, have a way of spinning outward to engage the rest of the world in a kind of dialogue.
2 Jacqueline Morais Easley, a naturalized U.S. citizen, marvels at the diverse families that live on her block and explains her reasons for treasuring the way her daughter colors outside the lines. (colors outside the linesがうまく和訳できません・・)
3 pointing out that Douglass made the decision to stay in the United States and wage an internal political struggle against slavery.
4 America can be made and re-made to fit its people.
5 以下の文のto write about what they thought は、前全体にかかって「彼らが何を思っているのか書くために」と訳すのでしょうか?それとも、後ろの文につながるようにし「彼らが何を思っているかを書くことは、~する上で重要である」と訳すべきでしょうか?
We invited five young writers from around the United States—of varying backgrounds, occupations, marital status—to write about what they thought was important to tell international readers of their own age about this country.